The printed flyer for the EZB-PM1 transfer substation from Elektrizace Železnic Praha a.s. contains 3D content in augmented reality. Just point your mobile phone or tablet and a 3D model will emerge from the 2D flyer.
Corporate Information
Immersive Technologies s.r.o.
Na Strzi 1702/65
CZ140 00 Prague 4
Czech Republic
ID: 11686588,
VAT ID: CZ11686588
Bank Account: 6014190359/0800
IBAN: CZ10 0800 0000 0060 1419 0359, BIC: GIBACZPX
“25 years of experience in managerial positions especially in the IT segment. Experience from dozens of IT/business projects as a member of steering committees. For some, a reason to burn out, for me just the beginning. Now I provide consulting in XR technologies and enjoy looking for high-tech solutions that support our customers’ businesses.”
Robert Paskovský
Partner, XR business consultant
Contact us
Together we will find a functional XR solution for your company
Who we have helped to deploy XR technologies
Virtual reality training for Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech - safety training for working at height and using the LOTO (Lock out, tag out) system.
Hyundai Motor Manufacturing
Augmented reality on the PTC Vuforia Studio platform in the Railway Kingdom exhibition.
Království železnic a.s.
The company ELVAC has implemented the assisted remote support AR solution based on the technology of the TeamViewer FrontLine xAssist using RealWear Navigator 500 smart glasses.
ELVAC a.s.
We present the project "Railway Metaverse" created for the company Elektrizace železnic Praha a.s. The purpose of the project is to show the public with the help of XR technologies that railways are not just trains and tracks, but it is a complex infrastructure that creates a technological background for what many of us admire and love, which is a quiet, safe and ecological train ride. Visitors will be immersed in the world of rail electrification in virtual reality, walking along the track, trying to repair complex equipment by following instructions from a walkie-talkie and even trying to build a catenary pole using a crane.
Elektrizace železnic Praha a.s.
The company ELVAC has implemented the AR solution for for work procedures and manuals based on the technology of the TeamViewer FrontLine xMake using RealWear Navigator 500 smart glasses.
ELVAC a.s.
Training in virtual reality for operating a Siemens locomotive. Created for LokoTrain s.r.o., using Meta Oculus Quest 2 and HTC Vive 2 glasses.
The company ELVAC has implemented the AR warehouse solution for Vision Picking based on the technology of the TeamViewer FrontLine xPick using RealWear smart glasses.